
27 July

Alternatives to Imprisonment: Provision, Implementation, and Projection of Alternatives to Imprisonment in Indonesia

In the Indonesian context, the design and implementation of criminal law is very closely related to prison sentence. In the public as well as legal academic discourses, prison sentence is always linked to deterring – primarily – criminal offenders. Prison sentence is expected not only to inflict individual deterrence on offenders but also to instill […]

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27 July

ICJR, Harm Reduction International, and LBHM Submission to the Committee of Civil and Political Rights

ICJR, Harm Reduction International, dan LBHM menyambut baik kesempatan pelaporan kepada Komite Hak Asasi Manusia berkaitan dengan adopsi List of Issues Prior to Reporting (LOIPR), pada Sesi ke-129. Dalam laporan ini, ICJR, Harm Reduction International, dan LBHM akan memberikan gambaran kondisi di Indonesia terkait dengan kewajiban pemenuhan hak berdasarkan Kovenan Internasional tentang Hak Sipil dan […]

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27 July

Indonesia Death Penalty Report 2020: Taking Lives During Pandemic

In the period March 2020 to October 2020, during the pandemic, there were at least 87 death penalty cases with 106 defendants, this is an increase compared to the same period from March 2019 to October 2019, with 48 death penalty cases with 51 defendants. Every year, the number of death penalty prosecutions and convictions […]

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27 July

COVID-19 and Fair Trial Principles in Australia Criminal Proceedings

Penelitian ini mengenai dampak Covid-19 di dalam penegakkan prinsip proses peradilan yang adil (fair trial) di Australia. Dibagi menjadi empat bagian secara komprehensif membahas bagaimana negara Australia beradaptasi terhadap tantangan dan hambatan yang ada hingga ke pendekatan berbasis teknologi demi menjaga jarak aman antar para anggota persidangan. Penelitian ini dimulai dari gambaran umum persidangan di […]

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